Mikael's Lawns N' More Logo

Landscape Maintenance

Service In Elkhorn, WI

Mikael's Lawns N' More Logo

Professional Landscape Maintenance

Imagine stepping out into your backyard oasis, surrounded by lush greenery, stunning landscapes, and vibrant colors that lift your spirits after a long day. Mikael's Lawns N' More LLC, based in Elkhorn, WI, provides exceptional landscaping services for residential properties, making this dream a reality for many homeowners. Our team is dedicated to caring for your outdoor space with love and expertise, offering an extensive range of maintenance services, such as mulching, rock installation, hedge and tree trimming, planting, and garden bed maintenance. 

We pride ourselves on nurturing relationships with independent greenhouses to source top-notch nursery stock, ensuring your garden is adorned with the finest annuals, perennials, vegetables, and herbs. Contact us for a free estimate and let Mikael's Lawns N' More LLC be your kind and trustworthy partner in creating a gorgeous, thriving sanctuary right in your backyard.


Lawn Care & Landscaping Services

Garden Bed




Shrub & Small

Tree Trimming

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